UX/UI Designer

*We politely ask that employment agencies/recruiters/freelancers DO NOT apply and DO NOT contact us about this role*


With a bold vision for managing the world’s building information to create safer, more harmonious places for everyone, Operance is a ‘proptech’ software developer and services provider creating innovative solutions for customers in the AECO (Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operations) sector. Following investment, rapid growth and a strong pipeline of work, we are a small, creative, innovative, agile and fast-growing business. With a remote-first philosophy, we have headquarters based at the Centre for Digital Innovation [C4DI], situated in Hull’s tech and social-driven Fruit Market district, but with satellite office space in London and across the UK, enabling us to recruit the country’s best talent.

 Best Use of Tech in Property. 3rd Most Exciting Tech Company. 42 Under 42. Most Inspiring Business. Digital Business of the Year.


As a UX Designer, you will create intuitive interfaces and experiences across our Operance platform with the vision of managing the world’s building information.

Your objective is to help map, store and present complex data, making it more accessible and useful for the creation of safer, more harmonious places for everyone.

You will provide design solutions based on user research and testing, of which you will also assist with.

Our company strongly encourages professional development, making this an ideal position for someone looking to push their UX/UI skills and grow as a designer.


We are looking for a competitive, high-energy, motivated individual, who enjoys a challenge whilst acting with integrity at all times to join our Product and Engineering team, the engine that drives the development and adoption of Operance across the UK and beyond.

Working direct with the Chief Product Officer (CPO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Business Analyst (BA), Product Marketing Manager (PMM) and Developers, the UX Designer works to follow a user-led process, compiling extensive user research before embarking on the design of the user experience and then user interface design and styling.

We believe in empowering our people in their work, giving them autonomy and ownership of what they do. We want everyone to own their story and their successes – working with us means you’re not just another cog in the machine, you have a real opportunity to make a difference.

Led by our Chief Product Officer, responsible for the strategy and execution of all product-related activities, product innovation and vision, this is a great opportunity to work closely with him to showcase your skills, form a clear path of personal development and growth and stamp your own personality on a high-growth business.


As UX Designer, you will be responsible for improving the overall appearance and functionality of our platform, overseeing any problem areas. You’ll liaise directly with our CPO, PMM, BA, Developers and reference customers to help understand wants, needs and data to solve problems and further develop our platform to make it easily accessible to users.

You’ll be responsible for the further development and ongoing management of our design system, and the implementation and coordination of design sprints.

Skills & Requirements

  • Education: minimum bachelor’s degree in UX design or a related field such as human-computer design, media technology, graphic design, digital marketing, digital design or computer science desirable. We may encourage the successful candidate to complete on-the-job training and earn industry recognised certifications, such as the Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience (CPUX) and BCS Foundation Certificate in User Experience.
  • Experience: you should have over 3 years of experience designing across mobile and web interfaces with a strong understanding of mapping, storing and presenting complex data, making it more accessible and useful. Qualified candidates should have a track record of results.
  • Creative skills: a highly creative mindset with a passion for researching, presenting and experimenting with the latest design solution innovations.
  • User experience skills: deep understanding of how to uncover user needs through research and user empathy. An excellent understanding of customer-centric design (design thinking, HCD, Agile and Lean UX) is a must. You should appreciate big-picture thinking and recognise the importance of prioritising short-term milestones that will move the needle towards the long-term mission and instantly improve user experience.
  • User data skills: experience in implementing and managing user insight platforms, and developing databases of insights from which multiple teams can learn from.
  • User interface skills: you’ll have experience in creating user-friendly, easy-to-use, sleek, modern designs that are influenced by data insights. You’ll also be able to adopt and further develop low, mid and high fidelity concepts from the CPO and other users, based on their experience and feedback.
  • Problem-solving skills: effective problem-solvers that are curious, proactive, creative and strategic in their approach, with excellent organisation and multitasking skills are highly desirable.
  • Time management: great time management skills and ability to manage individual and design teams tasks to help our team deliver our road map on time and on budget.
  • Design suites: proficient in Figma and/or Adobe XD whilst familiar with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
  • Design systems: experience in designing, developing and maintaining a design system to help scale our product efficiently and effectively and enable others to build on your work. Additional experience in the creation of design tokens is also desirable.
    Design sprints: experience in delivering a five-day process for validating ideas and solving big challenges through prototyping and testing ideas with customers highly desirable.
  • Tech stack knowledge: understanding of front-end web technologies and experience with native mobile design (iOS and Android) required.
  • Communication skills: excellent communication skills are required in order to clearly communicate verbally and in written form to a wide variety of audiences, with the ability to confidently present design ideas to stakeholders.
  • Analytical skills: often tasked with working to personal and team-wide targets and helping continuously improve the way we do things, the successful applicant must be able to read and interpret relevant data to understand performance and make recommendations.
  • Remote working and meeting skills: you can work independently and take full ownership of your projects, are highly organised and great at time management. You will be required to attend daily remote DSU meetings, regular sprint review and planning sessions and organise and chair design workshops.

Cultural Fit

For us, behaviours and brand are two sides of the same coin. How we act internally affects the way we’re perceived externally. Therefore we love to work with people that are curious, honest, innovative, personable and selfless. We also deeply appreciate anyone willing to regularly learn and implement new skills, make decisions through evidence, generate digital assets and solve problems with solutions.

What You Get Back

  • Competitive Salary – £33k-£40k per year dependent upon experience plus business delivery-related expenses.
  • Progression – learning and development potential.
  • Holidays – 28 days paid leave, plus statutory bank holidays.
  • Pension – Smart pension with 3% employer contribution fully managed and available online.
  • Flexibility – work flexible hours to suit you.
  • Location – remote first – manage your work/life balance by working from home, your favourite cafe, hotel, campervan, or at our C4DI Tech Campus headquarters in the vibrant Fruit Market – it’s up to you!
  • Be part of something amazing – as part of a small, fast-growing funded venture you will help shape our future!

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