Operance Newsletter 2

Operance Newsletter 2

Say hello to Operance, your new smart building manual. Our first market-ready version ‘Archimedes’ is our biggest release so far and available to download now. Why Archimedes? Why name versions with boring numbers when we can name them after our...
05/02/20 Press Release

05/02/20 Press Release

Operance is a mobile-first application designed to enable anyone to easily search, share, update and utilise BIM (Building Information Modelling) information, without needing to know anything about BIM or invest in expensive CAFM systems. The building information...
Bimshow Live 2020 Presentation

Bimshow Live 2020 Presentation

If Data Is The New Oil, Then BIM Is the Combustion Engine…and it’s about to seize up! How Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can enable quality BIM.  In this article, Ian Yeo kindly shares his Bimshow Live 2020 script on how Data...
Multi-Search Types

Multi-Search Types

All your building information in your pocket! Search beyond assets with information about your building, floors and spaces now available.  In addition to your assets, you can now search for information relevant to your actual buildings, floors and spaces. Should you...
New Interface

New Interface

Our new interface provides users with the best of both worlds… What’s better, a light-based user interface or a darker one? The answer is not so simple and whilst the question should be focused on pure usabiity, we cannot get away from the fact dark modes are...